Long grown as a plant for formal hedges Buxus or ‘Boxwood’ comes in a number of varieties including some narrow growing upright forms and dwarf varieties. With attractive foliage, and easy to prune nature, hardy Buxus is the ideal plant for low hedges and formal borders in many areas of the country.
- Buxus sempervirens – English Boxwood
- Buxus microphylla var microphylla – Korean Boxwood.
- Buxus japonica – Japanese Boxwood
Popular named cultivars include
- Green Mountain
- Green Velvet
- Winter Green
- Winter Beauty
Boxwood is widely used in a number of states including, Delaware, Tennessee, Connecticut, Maryland and Virginia being a few.
Available as bare root plants in winter as well as container grown through the year. Buxus varieties are also widely used for topiary.
Buxus Cultivation:
- Sun or part shade.
- Well drained soils.
- Prune as required.
- Mulch to retain moisture
List of Buxus or Boxwood Wholesale Growers
538 Billy Jones Rd Morrison, TN 37357
Tel : (931) 635-3205
Wholesale grower of Container, B&B, Shade and Ornamental trees. Specializing in Evergreens. Varieties Maples, Pears, Dogwoods and many more. Visit our website for more varieties.
Web: www.jonesnurserycompany.com
1313 Blackbird Forest Rd, Clayton Delaware 19953
Details, We stock a full selection of plant material – container and field grown from 1 gal to 5″ cal. We are wholesale to the green industry only.
14990 SE Orient Dr Boring, OR 97009
Tel : (503) 668-6000
We are a 200 acre nursery in Boring, Or. providing plants for the nursery industry along with hands-on brokerage of some of the finest conifers and Japanese maples available in the Pacific Northwest.
Web :www.pns.us
3645 North Main Street Soquel, CA 95073
Tel : (831) 475 – 3533
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