What we commonly call Arborvitae are Thuja species, some are native to North America others from China, Korea and Japan.

Used as a screening plant Arborvitae are an easy care plant that require little care or pruning once established. The choice also exists between the Emerald Green and Dark Green arborvitae.
These are an evergreen shrub with scale like of ‘bookleaf’ foliage.
Available from large growing varieties to smaller dwarf cultivars they make excellent privacy plants and are popular with landscapers for their versatility.
The small growing Danica Globe and Little Teddy have a mature height of around 2ft. while Green Splendor will reach over 40ft.
‘Techny’ with its dense deep green foliage is a little slower in growth rate than come others, however it is regarded by many as a better plant than the faster growing alternatives in the long term. Plant it at 4ft centres for a dense hedge.
Growth Rate
Growth rate varies greatly with the larger types such as ‘Green Giant’ being fast at up to 5 ft a year in good conditions. The smaller cultivars are generally much slower growing. If growth rate is a concern, discuss this with the wholesale grower before purchasing.
Often growth rate and pruning are connected, especially in formal type hedges.
Arborvitae Varieties.
Wholesale Arborvitae or Thuja species and cultivars include:
- Thuja occidentalis – This is the American Arborvitae also known as the White Cedar and Eastern Arborvitae
- Thuja korainensis – The Korean Arborvitae
- Thuja orientalis – The Oriental Arborvitae
- Thuja plicata – The Giant or western Arborvitae
- Thuja plicata x standishii – Arborvitae Green Giant Hybrid.
Wholesale Arborvitae are available from the following Growers
20830 Huntsville – BrownsFerry Rd Athens, AL 35611
phone (800)-533-2869
AL WILLIAMS & SONS NURSERY – phone: 870-598-3357
1167 E Main St Piggott AR 72454-3008
Large Range of shade and ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, conifers, and evergreens. Includes: Maples, Ash, Dogwoods and many more. Wholesale only.
7170 Jot-em Down Rd Gainsville GA
phone 770 887-6028
207 East Rauschs Rd New Ringgold PA
phone 570 449-8804
718 Veterans Rd Springfield SC
phone : 803 254-4263