One of the more dramatic landscaping plants, Xanthorrhoea ‘Grass Tree’ or Australian grass tree are a really unique plant.
These are a drought tolerant plant, require little care and although slow growing make a great feature plant. (see picture right) .
They can be easily grown in a pot or container if you wish to use them on a patio or in a courtyard they make a great architectural feature plant.
With a number of Xanthorrhoea or ‘Australian Grass Tree’ species now available in US. Xanthorrhoea species such as Xanthorrhoea preissii and Xanthorrhoea australis are some of the great new designer plants available on the market today.
Grass Tree Care and Growing Conditions

Grass trees are common in many Australian states and are becoming popular in the USA.
Grass Trees are a slow growing plant and are usually very hardy and long lived.
All Grass Trees require a well drained position and a sunny aspect.
The tall woody flower spikes are a spectacular feature.
Grass Trees may be grown in pots or planters.
The Australian grass tree comes in a number of varieties, however only the more common types are readily available for sale in the USA
- Xanthorrhoea preissii. – The Balga grasstree
- Xanthorrhoea australis. – The Australian Grass Tree or ‘Austral Grass Tree’
- Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. – The Northern Grasstree
- Xanthorrhoea gracilis – The slender grass tree
- Xanthorrhoea glauca. – From QLD
- Xanthorrhoea quadrangulata.- The Square Leaved Grass Tree
- Xanthorrhoea media. – A smaller growing species with slender trunk
- Xanthorrhoea semiplana. – The tufted grass tree
- Xanthorrhoea thorntonii – The ‘Cundeelee Blackboy’ .
- Xanthorrhroea minor – The small grass tree (no trunk)
Where to buy
Tel: (800) 701 6517 Tel: (805) 649 3362
9040 North Ventura Avenue Ventura California 93001