With a few name changes Magnolia insignis (syn. Michelia insignis, Manglettia insignis) is also known as the ‘Red Lotus Tree’
With so many wonderful species Magnolia insignis is one species that is a little underused in gardens.
Although the flowers will range in color, some right forms will have lots of red other a more muted pink.
Fragrant flowers at around 10 – 14cm across and this is a fast growing shrub to small tree with excellent glossy foliage this is an evergreen species from China and Nepal.
A humus rich moist soil and a position in part shade, protection from hot afternoon sun is recommended. Magnolia insignis will reach around 5 -8m.
This is a evergreen species that is regarded as hardy in USDA Zones 7 – 11.
In cooler zones Magnolia insignis may be semi deciduous. In all areas is requires a humus rich, moist yet well drained soil.