For fragrance, Luculia intermedia var. pinceana is one of the best fall to winter pink flowering plants you can find. It is from the foothills of the Himalayas and is smaller growing than other species. It is a frost tender plant, however much loved.
Regarded as evergreen by some, Luculia pinceana is deciduous or at least semi deciduous in cooler zones. The pink flowers are sweetly scented with a musk fragrance. When in full bloom this small tree can fill a garden with perfume.
Also look for the white flowering Luculia intermedia ‘White Frills’ which is another wonderful fragrant shrub, great flowers and better foliage and growth than some of the earlier cultivars.
Plant Luculia pinceana near a path or perhaps an entry to the house, the fragrance in fall will be outstanding.
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Summary Information
- Botanical Name : Luculia intermedia var. pinciana
- Common Names : Luculia pinciana, Luculia ‘White Frills’
- Origins: Western China
- Soil – Humus rich, moist, well drained
- Position – Full sun to a little afternoon shade
- Flowers – Pink or white and fragrant
- Height – 6 -9 ft sometimes taller although easily pruned.
- Frost tolerant : This plant is frost tender.
- Drought tolerant : No
Pruning is very easy, cut back as hard as you need hard after flowering. Regularly prune away any dead or diseased branches.
If tip pruned from a young age Luculia pinceana will make a smaller dense shrub, excellent for containers.
The species can be propagated from seed. Easy from cuttings taken in late spring. Cuttings will need a warm humid position, strike rate is increased with bottom heat.
- Luculia pinceana ‘Fragrant cloud’
- Luculia pinceana ‘Fragrant pearl’
- Luculia pinceana ‘Pink spice’
- ‘White Frills’
- ‘Early dawn’ Very intense pink flowers after red buds, most attractive.
Where to Buy
- Singtree Gardens CA