Very attractive shrubs with flowers ranging from white to pink, Deutzia make an excellent garden plant.
They grow well USDA zones 4 – 9, although they will need some protection in the colder areas.
Best known for species such as Deutzia gracilis, they are an easy care group of plants.
We think they are one of the best spring flowering plants with masses of flowers appearing along the arching canes. Attractive green foliage through to fall, although not noted for fall color.
Deutzia gracilis’Nikko’ is above pictured right, a very attractive low growing form that will reach around 2ft tall and spread over 4 – 6 ft. One of the few varieties suited to container growing.
The lower growing varieties are excellent candidates for the rock garden, also great for lining a pathway where the mounding habit and easy to prune nature can give a great ‘informal’ hedge effect.

One outstanding hybrid is Deutzia magicien, very attractive pink flowers in large clusters.
Deutzia Care
Really easy care and not that fussy about soil conditions, however for best growth follow these points
- Humus rich moist but well drained soil
- Full sun to part shade – deep shade will inhibit flowering and cause lanky growth.’
- Light afternoon shade in warmer climates
How to Prune Deutzia
As Deutzia flower on old wood, the best time to prune is just after flowering. Although we must admit to not pruning ours for a few years with few problems other than the errant long growth.
Landscaping Uses
Excellent in the garden border, where depending on the variety they can be grown towards the rear of the border, or smaller types near the front. Larger types can also be used as a deciduous screen.
Some of the smaller varieties can be grown in containers, however, not for us. We do not find them to be great container plants.
Deutzia Summary
- Botanical Name – Deutzia.
- Common Name – None.
- Height – 2ft – 8ft depending on varoety
- Width – 3ft – 8ft
- Aspect – Full sun to afternoon Shade
- Growth rate – Medium
- Flower Color – White to pink and deep pink
- USDA Zones 5 – 8 however 4 – 9 with a little care and protection.
- Propagation – From cuttings, also possible from seed.
Varieties include
- Deutzia gracilis
- Deutzia gracilis’Nikko’
- Deutzia scabra
- Deutzia magnifica
- Deutzia magnifica ‘Pride Rochester’
- Deutzia rosea ‘Carminea’
You can find Deutzia plants for sale at the following nurseries
Offering a wide selection of bulbs, perennials, grasses, herbs trees and shrubs. Includes: Deutzia setchuenensis, Deutzia gracilis, Deutzia scabra, Deutzia Rosealind.