Acacia Cognata are a weeping evergreen tree or small shrub. Drought tolerant and with attractive foliage they make a great landscaping plant and are increasingly used in gardens as a feature plant.
The species will reach over 20′ however it is the low growing cultivars that are increasingly popular as a hardy evergreen border plant. (picture right)
Acaia Cognata cultivars have been developed to include dwarf varieties such as Acacia Cognata Limelight. Increasingly popular in the USA Acacia Cognata makes a great low screening plant or specimen.
Care and cultivation of Acacia Cognata
These plants require a well drained soil and a sunny position, they require little to no fertilizer and do not like phosphorous, so use a specialist ‘Australian Native plant fertilizer’ if possible, a low or no phosphorous fertilizer or just a well rotted compost mulch instead.
Although the plant is also known as the ‘River Wattle’ it does require good drainage for most of the year. Generally hardy to zone 9 – 8.
More information
Australian Native plants are popular in the following states : California, Florida, Washington, Wisconsin, Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri and Illinois, although popularity is growing in all states.
- Acacia cognata – The species itself will reach around 20 ft over time, very attractive weeping foliage with small yellow flowers in spring.
- Acacia cognata ‘ Cousin It’ – Excellent in full sun to part shade, this is a low growing cultivar that will reach around 2 – 3 ft in height with a spread of 3 – 5 ft.
- Acacia cognata ‘ Emerald Cascade’ – Will reach 12 ft to 25 ft depending on conditions.
- As most of the desirable varieties are cultivars, Acacia cognata is usually propagated from cuttings. Not an easy plant to strike.
- The species can be propagated from seed, try poring boiling water over the seed to remove the hard outer coating before sowing seed.
Where to buy
AUSTRALIAN NATIVE PLANTS NURSERY – Tel: (800) 701 6517 Tel: (805) 649 3362
9040 North Ventura Avenue Ventura California 93001
WHITE FOREST NURSERY – (661)366 6291
300 Morning Drive Bakersfield CA