One of the great anniversary roses is ‘Golden Celebration’. A David Austin rose with wonderful double flowers and fragrant as well.
The meaning of the name ‘Golden Celebration’ is a 50th anniversary.
Golden Celebration is usually available as a standard, shrub rose or as a climbing rose. This is a hardy, disease resistant rose that has been popular with gardeners since it was introduced in 1992.
Large golden cupped flowers, good glossy mid green foliage and also a repeat bloomer. The fragrance was recognised in 2000 by the National Rose Society. Flowering from spring through summer to autumn, deadhead and fertilize for excellent repeat flowering.
Sold as a shrub and a standard however in a warm sheltered position, or in a warmer climate ‘Golden Celebration’ also works as a small climbing rose.
A wonderful choice as a commemorative rose for the Golden Wedding Anniversary
Care is as for most other roses, prune Golden Celebration each year, deadhead and fertilize during the growing season. Moist but well drained soil in a sunny position.