F J Grootendorst is a Rugosa type rose with large clusters of deep pink flowers. From 10 – 20 individual flowers in a cluster reming us us carnations.
The flowers individually may not be as large as some other Rugosa types however they do appear in masses with a slight fragrance.
The foliage is a deep green and heavily textured as you would expect from a rugosa rose. The growth habit is upright to around 3 – 4 ft. Long flowering from spring through summer, this is a rose that could be used as a low hedging plant.
Like most roses F J Grootendorst require a well drained soil and full sun to light afternoon shade.
It does not need an overly fertile soil although some added mulch to maintain a cool root run, and a liquid seaweed fertilise run spring can improve growth.
Once established it is fairly drought tolerant and will grow well in USDA zones 5 – 9. A well drained humus rich soil and a sunny open position suit best.
- Full Sun
- Humus Rich Soil
- Slow release organic type fertiliser in spring
Although this rose can be grown from both softwood and hardwood cuttings it can be a little difficult to strike successfully. Uses a rooting hormone to improve strike rate.
Pruning is the same as for all Rugosa Type Roses. For the first few years little pruning will be required. After that remove 1/3 of the overall growth and 1/4 of the oldest canes.