Classified as Shrub-Like, these begonias are long flowering, are better suited to growing in gardens, and as the name suggests have a shrub or bushy growth habit.

- They can be grown outdoors however, like all begonias they do not like frosts or freezes.
- Height varies, from smaller plants to large shrubs that will reach 6ft (2m) in height.
- They also vary in flower colour as well as foliage, some with hairs on the leaves, others smooth.
- Shrub-Like Begonias all send up a number of stems or shoots from soil level.
Care and Cultivation
- Light
Best grown in filtered light with a little morning sun/semi shade, a few will take more sun.
Too much light will lighten the leaf colour, too little will cause leaf elongation. - Soil/Potting Mix
A free draining soil is essential, like all begonias they like a wet/dry cycle of moisture.
The lower growing types with drooping foliage are well suited to growing in hanging baskets. - Fertiliser
Regular fertilising during the growing season is recommended. - Temperature
As a general rule a temperature range between 51 – 70F works well. (11 – 22C). They will take higher temperatures but will require more shade.
Examples of Shrub Like Begonias
- Begonia listada is a good example of a low growing shrub like begonia.
- B. luxurians is a much taller type that can reach over 6ft.
- B. Argenteo-guttata
- B. scharffii,