Macedonian Scabious

Knautia are an upright perennial grown for the colorful flowers and Knautia macedonica is the most widely grown species although this has been fairly rare.
Perhaps it has become a little old fashioned for modern landscapers. A few recent ‘new releases’ seem to be changing this.
In the border of cottage garden is the place for Knautia macedonica, it will happily grow to form a bushy clump. It will flower from early summer to fall. Crimson red flowers for a good three months.
These are short lived perennials and are closely related to scabiosa and in fact were once included in that group, they could be described as ‘taller growing relatives’.
If you are lucky they will self seed. Another species is is the smaller pink flowering Knautia arvensis.
- Knautia macedonica ‘Thunder and Lightning’ – Variegated foliage, mid green pale lemon yellow margins. The ruby red flowers are held above it.
- Knautia macedonica ‘Mars Midget’ – An attractive low growing cultivar, ruby red flowers
Pruning and Care
Best in USDA Zones 5 – 8. Although they can be grown as an annual in cooler zones in seedling plants are available for spring planting.
Try full sun in a humus rich moist soil.
They can be propagated from seeds collected from old flower heads or from soft cuttings.
Where to Buy
PO Box 471 Albion CA 95410 phone (707) 937-1130
A spectacular selection of hard to find perennials, ornamental grasses, shrubs, trees and vines for your garden.