Isoplexis canariensis are tender evergreen shrubs from Madeira.
Commonly called Canary Island Foxglove and also the Madeirian Foxglove, and they are related to other Foxglove species.
Flowering through autumn with tall flower spikes Isoplexis canariensis has attractive apricot orange flowers.
Lance shaped green foliage is an added attraction, however it is the long lasting flower spikes that make this such a wonderful garden plant.
The flower spikes can reach over 40 – 50 inches tall, certainly a statement in any garden
You will need to live in one of the more temperate climate zones to easily grow Isoplexis, Zones 9 – 11. However, many enthusiasts do manage on cooler areas.
- Full sun
- Well drained soil
- Extra water in summer dry spells, however regarded as drought tolerant
- Replace after 3 – 4 years, although they will probably have put out some offsets.
Little pruning is required other than removal of any dead foliage and spent flower spikes.
Other Isoplexis species include
- Isoplexis isabelliana
- Isoplexis sceptrum
Isoplexis Plants are available for sale from the following nurseries
DIGGING DOG NURSERY- phone (707) 937-1130
PO Box 471 Albion CA 95410