A fascinating plant , so many species with those sought after ‘Blue Flower’ Gentiana have been a little neglected by nurseries and gardeners alike.
Although they have been in cultivation for years they are under used. So if you are looking for brilliant blue flowers, then the Gentians are worth looking for.
They vary from low growing matt forming types to small perennial plants, all are fairly easy easy to grow.
Gentiana species contain some of the few true blue flowering plants as well as yellow and pink flowering varieties.
G. septemfida or crested gentian, is a brilliant blue plant. G. Acualis is a smaller growing (stemless) species, G. Lutea however is a yellow flowering species.
Gentiana or Gentians are an Alpine plant that can be difficult to establish but are well worth the effort for a dazzling display of flowers some in spring, and some in fall.
General Care
Most Gentiana require perfect drainage, they are an alpine plant that grow in rocky conditions.
Gentiana require moisture however they will rot if over watered. They may be grown it pots, this allows them to shifted around from season to season, and kept from getting overly wet in winter.
Best in USDA Zones 4 – 7 although worth a try outside of these.
We suggest an open potting mix with added perlite or similar to promote free drainage. A position where they get some sun (but not hot afternoon sun) will promote flowering. Gentiana verna is one of the easier species.
Gentiana Varieties Include
- G. acaulis (Stemless Gentian)
- G. asclepiadea (Willow Gentian)
- G. andrewsii (Closed Bottle Gentian)
- G. boissieri
- G. brachyphylla
- G. clausa (Bottle Gentian)
- G. cruciata (Star Gentian)
- G. dahurica
- G. douglasiana (Swamp Gentian)
- G. lutea (Great Yellow Gentian)
- G. scabra (Japanese Gentian)
- G. septemfida (Crested Gentian)
- G. verna (Spring Gentian)
- G. villosa (Striped Gentian)