
Begonia erythrophylla and Begonia erythrophylla helix are two very easy begonias to grow. Sometimes referred to as the ‘Beefsteak Begonia’ and ‘Whirlpool Begonia’ respectively these begonias have attractive waxy leaves and are really an ‘old fashioned begonia.
Begonia erythrophylla is a small Rhizomatous begonia that will reach 1-2ft. Pink flowers in winter to spring.
The interesting thing with the B. erythrophylla types is that they vary greatly in form. The round leaves do look like water lily leaves, crisp and green. It is the rich red underside that gives them the ‘Beefsteak’ name.
They are all grown mainly as indoor foliage plants and although they are seen as ‘old fashioned’ they are excellent house plants.
Grows well in part shade, probably best in pot or container indoors. A well drained humus rich moist soil. Prune to maintain shape