
If you are looking for height in the cottage garden then the…
If you are looking for height in the cottage garden then the…
Also known as the St. Joseph’s Lily, Hippeastrum x johnsonii is one…
Perhaps the most cold tolerant of all of the Hippeastrums, H.papilio with…
Hibiscus plants may the Tropical type of hibiscus, the ones with the…
Hexastylis virginica (Asarum virginica) is a native, evergreen “Wild Ginger” used widely…
An easy care plant for shade, Heuchera are easy care, great foliage…
If you are looking to buy healthy herb plants, you might think…
Also known as the ‘Stinking Hellebore’ Helleborus foetidus is a tall growing…
If you are looking for a shade loving plant then the Hellebore,…
Helianthemum nummularium ‘rock rose’ or ‘sun rose’ are closely related to Cistus…