Juniperus Squamata ‘Blue Star’

A low growing juniper with good blue foliage Juniperus Squamata ‘Blue Star’…
A low growing juniper with good blue foliage Juniperus Squamata ‘Blue Star’…
With around 30 species found in the genus Trichodiadema are found from…
One of the easiest leafy greens to grow from seed, Swiss Chard…
An outstanding foliage plant for indoors, this amazing Elephants Ear Plant (Alocasia)…
Classified as Shrub-Like, these begonias are long flowering, are better suited to…
With dozens of varieties available for sale, growing Blackberries in the home…
Black Flowers for Your Garden The search for black flowering plants starts…
This is an Alpine species from Europe, it grows mainly in central…
Weeping deodar cedar Grown for the very attractive weeping foliage Cedrus deodara…
Hazelnut trees are grown for the nuts which are roasted, eaten fresh…