A useful group of plants, Acorus gramineus varieties are varied in their use, some making excellent garden plants for wet soils, others said to have medicinal uses.
Acorus gramineus ‘variegatus’ is the tallest, reaching around 2ft in height. Other are lower growing. All have sword shaped leaves and all have insignificant flowers.
Useful in the garden as plants for wet areas these are a clump-forming strap leafed plant that will spread under water by rhizomes. Their use is not limited to growing in water, any consistently damp position is suitable, although not in hot afternoon sun.
Foliage is attractive in the landscaping varieties, and in warmer areas it will remain evergreen throughout winter, in cooler areas it will die right back to remerge in spring.
- Suited to USDA Zones 5 – 11
- Requires a moist position and some protection from hot afternoon sun.
- Naturally occurring along streams and in boggy ground.
- Prune back to maintain shape.
- Spreads through underground rhizomes.
- Can be pruned back in spring to just above new shoots.
- Looking at Bromeliads care in more detail
The plants used for landscaping include
- Acorus gramineus ‘variegatus’, or Miniature Sweet Flag also known as ‘Japanese Rush’, or ‘Variegated Dwarf Sweet Flag’
- Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’
- Acorus griminess ‘Oboruzuki’ – Very similar to ‘Ogon’ however the foliage is more golden.
- Acorus gramineus ‘Pusillus’ is lower growing, rarely reaching over 3 inches, it still needs moisture and makes an excellent plant for between stepping stones in areas with damp soil. Also excellent in shady boggy area where it will slowly spread to cover a good area.
- Acorus gramineus ’Soland’ is listed as a Chinese Medicinal Plant.
Propagation is by division of rhizomes from established clumps, best carried out in spring just as new growth begins.
- Cut back the old foliage to just above the new shoots.
- Dig the clump with a garden fork.
- Divide with a sharp spade or knife.
- Make sure that each section has a good root system.
- Replant and water in with a liquid seaweed fertilizer,
Where to buy
500 N. Sequim Ave. Sequim, WA 98382
Small mail order nursery with a very interesting range of perennials and other plants. Includes: Acorus and many others
32115 Prairie Lane Winona MN 55987
phone: 507-452-1362
Native seeds and Native Plants for Wetlands, Prairies, Meadows, Savannahs and Woodlands
PO Box 2556 city: Blairsville GA 30514
fax: 443-773-5627
Evergreen flowering ground covers, grasses, vines, ivy, … Free Shipping of over 150 varieties of quality ground covers.