Sometimes sold as a novelty plant, other times promoted as educational, we think that Venus Fly Traps are just one example of the wonders of Mother Nature.
Any plants that feed on insects, that will grow well indoors are always worth a try.
Venus Fly Traps are one of the more most popular carnivorous plants and Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea muscipula) Like other carnivorous plants they trap small insects in a cavity.
With only one species, collectors look for different forms such as ‘Akai Ryu’ which is a red form rather than the usual green.
They are related to ‘Sundews’ and are from the same family, Droseraceae with around 200 species the main difference is that they are bigger. And yes you can plant them together.
How To Grow Venus Fly Traps
Venus fly traps are fairly easy to grow indoors, most suppliers will provide instructions with the plant, they make a great introduction to the world of carnivorous plants.
Some of the more important care aspects include:
- Always use clean, pure water, use rainwater or boiled water
- Growing medium need to be moisture retentive but low in nutrients
- When in active growth, 3 – 4 hours of direct sun and an additional 7 hours of good filtered light
- You can feed them with small insects, however not meat
- Venus fly traps do have a natural dormancy and require a cool period when dormant
- Should let your Venus Fly Trap Flower?
Venus Fly Traps are available for sale from the following nurseries
PREDATORY PLANTS – phone – (650) 720-5195
email – info@predatoryplants.com
Specializing in carnivorous plants. venus flytraps, pitcher plants, nepenthes, sundews, sarracenia
CASCADE CARNIVORES – phone: 4253515967
13340 SE 79th PL Newcastle WA postcode: 98059
Carnivorous plant nursery located in Washington state offering tropical pitcher plants, butterworts, Dewy Pines and more. We ship Dewy Pines plants. US sales only.

Should you let your Venus Fly Trap Flower?
- Flowering is natural and should not hurt a healthy plant, so unless you don’t like the flowers, leave them.
- If you want to collect seeds, you will need to leave the flowers.
- If the plant is unhealthy then it is best to remove the flowers stalks as they appear as they do take energy from the plant.