Australian Native Plants are increasingly popular in the USA, they are widely grown in dry areas and include many plants that will thrive in desert conditions.
However plants of Australia provide a diverse and interesting number of garden worthy plants, including tropical species, cool to temperate growing trees and shrubs and many flowering species.
Plants such as the Australian Tree Fern (Dicksonia Antarctica) and the Grass Trees (Xanthorrhoea) are particularly popular. As are many of the plants that thrive in desert or ‘outback’ conditions.

Australia Native Plants are grown in the USA for a number of reasons, as ornamental plants as well as for cut flowers and for timber production, some are drought tolerant, and many have interesting flowers and foliage.
Australian Native plants are very popular in the following states : California, Florida, Washington, Wisconsin, Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri and Illinois, although popularity is growing in all states
Another general issue is drainage, good drainage is essential for many species from Australia.
One of the very common care factors with many Australian native plants is the need to use a low phosphate fertilizer. Many of these plants come from soils that are low in phosphate, so adding extra creates problems.

Some of the most popular Australian species for the USA include :
- Leptospermum
- Pimelia
- Banksia
- Darwinia
- Grevillea
- Acacia Cognata
- Kennedia
- Australian Tree Ferns – Man Fern
- Grass Trees (Xanthorrhoea)
- Flowering Eucalyptus (Corymbia ficifolia)
Where to Buy
You can find a good range for sale at the following nurseries
AUSTRALIAN NATIVE PLANTS NURSERY Tel: (800) 701 6517 Tel: (805) 649 3362
P.O. Box 1606 Oak View CA93022 U.S.A