The most popular lemon tree for the home garden is the Meyer Lemon. This is a natural hybrid and is a sweeter lemon than other varieties.
The golden yellow fruit is less acidic that others and the tree itself is naturally smaller growing with a natural spreading habit.
This is a reliable producer of fruit and in a good climate will produce lemons almost year round.
Dwarf Meyer Lemons
This is a naturally low growing variety to around 9ft (3m). If grown in a container it will remain even smaller usually 6ft (2m) or less.
Some growers are using dwarfing rootstock to keep them even smaller, Meyer Lemons on a dwarfing rootstock are more reliable as smaller growing plants than others.
Growing in Pots
As they are smaller growing they are well suited to growing in containers or pots. They will still need a sunny position, and in pots will require watering more often. A slow release general citrus fertilizer will keep you Meyer lemon happy. Yes you can move them inside in winter, however they are not really suited to long periods indoors.
- Yellow leaves.
This can be caused by a magnesium deficiency, it can also be caused by over watering. The solution is to use a specialist citrus fertilizer and to ensure that the tree is well drained and you do not over water. However a few yellow leaves are natural, some leaves do die and drop off over time. - Virus Diseases
The Meyer lemon is a little more susceptible to virus diseases than other varieties. However the ‘Improved Meyer Lemon’ is said to be more virus resistant.
Other problems
- Poor drainage
- Over fertilizing
- Lack of sun
- Gall wasp
Myer Lemon trees are for sale online from the following growers
phone: 877-449-4637 ext. 1
PO Box 1800 Louisiana MO 63353 – phone: 1-800-325-4180
Originators of Red and Golden Delicious apples. Full line of fruit, Apricots, Berries, Cherries, Nectarines, Pears, Grapes, Nuts, shade and flowering trees, shrubs roses and small fruits.Includes: Walnuts, Carpathian English Walnut, Lake English Walnut, Black Walnut and others