Lime trees are a popular citrus tree both for commercial growers and the home garden. A reasonably small growing citrus lime trees actually come in a range of types or varieties.
The Tahitian or Persian lime (Citrus latifolia Tan or Citrus aurantifolia) is the most commonly grown type, large juicy fruit used widely for culinary purposes. Kaffir or Makrut lime (Citrus hystrix) is used for its leaves.
Less widely used are the Australian finger Lime (Microcitrus australasica), a recently new addition and used by chefs for its wonderfully textures fruit and well as the lime taste. The almost seedless Bearss lime is very popular
Lime trees are generally an adaptable tree that will grow in warm to cool climate, as long as they are not subject to frosts, new dwarf cultivars are well suited to growing in pots and containers.
Best suited to USDA Zones 8 – 11, in cooler climates they can be grown in pots and overwintered in a protected position or greenhouse.
Pruning is generally not required other than the removal of damaged or dead wood.
A sunny position in a well drained soil is best.
Use a specialist citrus fertilizer for best results.
- Tahitian or Persian lime (Citrus latifolia Tan)
- Kaffir or Makrut lime (Citrus hystrix)
- Australian finger Lime (Microcitrus australasica)
- West Indian or Mexican or Key lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
- Citrus latifolia or Bearss lime
Lime trees are for sale online from the following growers
phone: 877-449-4637 ext. 1
PO Box 1800 Louisiana MO 63353 – phone: 1-800-325-4180
Originators of Red and Golden Delicious apples. Full line of fruit, Apricots, Berries, Cherries, Nectarines, Pears, Grapes, Nuts, shade and flowering trees, shrubs roses and small fruits.Includes: Walnuts, Carpathian English Walnut, Lake English Walnut, Black Walnut and others