Cup of Gold Vine

Solandra are best known for Solandra maxima, commonly called ‘Cup of Gold Vine’ or ‘Golden Chalice Vine’.
With large cup shaped golden yellow flowers and strong crimson ribs this is a spring to summer flowering vine that makes an impact in any garden.
Individual flowers can reach up to 10 inches across in good conditions. On warm evenings the fragrance of the flowers is at its strongest. Best described as a vanilla scent.
Although this is a fast growing vine that can easily be pruned back to maintain a more compact growth habit.
The flowers are the main attraction, however this evergreen climber also has attractive foliage to 8 inches long. This is a plant that requires warm conditions to thrive, although it is tolerant of coastal conditions.
An excellent plant for training over a pergola or trellis. Solandra maxima can be grown in a container or pot, however it will need pruning and may not be as long lived in these conditions.
Solandra prefer a well drained humus rich soil. Try full sun to part shade, but remember to provide adequate support. They are reasonably salt tolerant so will suit seaside positions.
- Height – A vine to 12 – 15m, requires support and is best trained along a fence or wire.
- USDA Zones 9 – 11, although in protected position down to zone 8.
- Position – Full sun, although in very hot areas, Solandra maxima can be grown in part shade, or under 50% shade cloth.
- Soil – Humus rich moist soil with good drainage.
- Flowering period – Spring with spot flowers from late winter to late summer
- Frost – Needs t o frost free from bud set to flowering or flowers tend to drop.
Prune Solandra maxima to help maintain good shape and restrain its growth. In warmer climates, sub tropical this is a very rapidly growing plant, and will require more attention.
Growing Solandra maxima in Containers
Grown in containers you will need to prune regularly and carefully. New flower buds form on the tips of new growth, so be careful not to prune the flowers away.
We have seen the plant grown in large containers outdoors and hard pruned every year after flowering, almost right back to the ground. Well worth a try if you do not have much space.
In warmer climates plants can be cut back at any time, we prefer just after flowering.
Solandra maxima is easy from cuttings taken in spring also from seeds.
Solandra maxima is widely grown in California, Florida and Texas, also found in Louisianna, South Carolina and Virginia.