Rhapis Palms

Rhapis Palm (Raphis excelsa or Lady Palm) Trees are a valuable palm for both indoor and outdoor use. The most common forms are Rhapis excelsa and Rhapis humilis or ‘Slender Lady Palm’ both of these are used widely as indoor…
Rhapis Palm (Raphis excelsa or Lady Palm) Trees are a valuable palm for both indoor and outdoor use. The most common forms are Rhapis excelsa and Rhapis humilis or ‘Slender Lady Palm’ both of these are used widely as indoor…
If you are looking for a shrub that has foliage, flowers, fragrance and can also be used as a hedge, then Viburnums have the lot. Landscapers love them for their versatility; they grow well in most soils and will flower…
Pyrus are a group of evergreen trees, many varieties used in landscaping. Some are well known others perhaps not so well known. The largest is Pryruss ussuriensis, the Manchurian Pear, reaching nearly 50 ft in height. The smallest is Pyrus…
Vitex agnus-castus, Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, or Monks Pepper is a small tree or large shrub that will reach 15ft given time. This is a deciduous tree that is grown as a garden ornamental and is also widely used in alternative…
Plumeria plants are a shrub to small tree grown for the fragrant flowers. Very popular as a cut flower, they are easy to grow in warmer climates and are well suited to Hawaii, California and Florida. Although they can be…
Pinus mugo is commonly known as the Dwarf or ‘Swiss Mountain Pine’ is originally from the European Alps and is a slow growing small tree growing to 8 ft. This is a variable species, different forms grow in different areas…
The Lily of the Valley tree is one of the many wonderful plants from Japan the botanical name is Pieris Japonica, also known as the Japanese Andromeda. It is the very attractive flowers that remind us of Lily of the…
Mock Orange Plant If you are looking for a perfumed bushy shrub then one of the Mock Orange varieties could be worth considering. These are Philadelphus species, and a good selection of Mock Orange plants are readily available for sale…
A tree with many names, Albizia julibrissin is commonly called the ”Silk Tree’ or ‘Mimosa Tree’.This is a deciduous tree originally from Japan and Asia. The green feathery or ferny foliage is attractive, and long silky flower stamens in creamy…
With such variety in maple trees, from large specimen trees to dwarf types suited to small gardens the choice is huge. Selecting the right maple tree for your garden requires just a little research, however they are a versatile group…
Winter flowering Mahonias are, hardy, interesting foliage, good yellow flowers, attractive berries and easy care. What is not to like about Mahonias, and as they will grow well in shade, and even flower, thats an added attraction. Also known as…
Pronunciation: mag-NO-lee-a Magnolia trees may be either evergreen (Grandiflora) such as Magnolia Kay Parris and Magnolia Teddy Bear or deciduous or such as the ‘Star Magnolia’ or Magnolia Stellata. With some of the most elegant flowers in the plant world…
Pronunciation: mag-NO-lee-a see-BOLD-ee-eye Magnolia sieboldii One of the most striking of the deciduous magnolias is Magnolia sieboldii, clear white petals, brilliant deep red stamens and in the centres a touch of buttery yellow. This is a Chinese species that is…
Outstanding color and form, the flowers of Magnolia Felix are a wonderful deep ‘lipstick pink’ (see picture right’ and make a dramatic appearance before the foliage in spring. From the renowned magnolia breeder Felix and Mark Jury one of the…
Magnolia ‘Little Gem’ is an evergreen magnolia which is a cultivar of Magnolia grandiflora and is readily available for sale in most states. Although sometimes referred to as a ‘dwarf variety’ Magnolia ‘Little Gem’ will still reach 5m depending on…
Magnolia ‘Teddy Bear’ is the newest release of the dwarf or small, growing evergreen magnolias and is now readily available for sale in most states. Foliage differs in that is much more ’rounded’ than its relatives tightly held and with…
Magnolia ‘Kay Parris’ is a relatively new release evergreen magnolia which is believed to be a cross between the popular ‘little gem’ an Magnolia ‘Brackens Brown Beauty’. Kay Parris is now readily available for sale in most states. Holding it’s…
Campbells magnolia is originally from the Himalayas and is regarded as on of the best large growing deciduous magnolias available for sale. Very attractive pink and white flowers followed by glossy green foliage make this an outstanding specimen tree for…
For fragrance, Luculia intermedia var. pinceana is one of the best fall to winter pink flowering plants you can find. It is from the foothills of the Himalayas and is smaller growing than other species. It is a frost tender…
If you are looking for Viburnum with good flowers and added interest through fall then Viburnum opulus ‘Notcutts’ could be the one. This ornamental bush is strong growing, deciduous and with a more robust look than many Viburnums. The autumn…
The tulip tree or American tulip tree is Liriodendron tulipifera, a tall growing tree used both as a broad spreading shade tree, and tall narrow screening tree depending on variety. The flowers do look a little like a cross between…
If you are looking for value from a drought tolerant shrub, then Leucadendrons certainly fit the bill. From South Africa, these long lived plants provide colour almost year round, and of course even more so when in flower. They are…
‘Tree of Wizards’ Also known as the Sorcerers Tree, Latua pubiflora (Palo de los brujos) is from Chile. This is a small tree or shrub with very attractive magenta to purple flowers in spring. The flowers are followed by small…
The Kentia Palm The Kentia palm ‘is Howea forsteriana’, an elegant palm with dark, lustrous arching fronds coming from a single trunk. This is a palm that naturally grows as an under story plant, which makes it excellent for growing…
A native plant that often fails to get the attention it deserves, Kalmia latifolia is commonly called ‘The Mountain Laurel’. It is native to east coast from Florida Connecticut and widely used as a garden plant in other areas, but…
With over 50 species and many cultivars, Junipers are a varied group of garden plants ranging from low growing ground covers to tall trees. Juniper trees are a rather special tree in that they are survivors. They have sap that…
Japanese Maple Trees for sale online include Dwarf and Weeping types. These are Acer palmatum varieties, and include many excellent trees for small gardens many with brilliant color in fall. With literally hundreds of of Japanese Maple Tree cultivars available…
Hibiscus plants may the Tropical type of hibiscus, the ones with the large flowers that we know as Hawaiian Hibiscus, and these require a frost free environment to thrive. Very popular in home gardens and are also used widely in…
Helianthemum nummularium ‘rock rose’ or ‘sun rose’ are closely related to Cistus (also referred to as Rock Rose) and are widely used as a ground cover plant especially in hot drier conditions. Hardiness Zone (5 – 8) depending on local…
Perhaps not noticed, but widely grown, Hebe plants are an evergreen shrub, easy care and many varieties with attractive flowers. They grow well in the garden, can be used as hedges and also grow well in containers. Also known as…