Shrub Begonias

Classified as Shrub-Like, these begonias are long flowering, are better suited to growing in gardens, and as the name suggests have a shrub or bushy growth habit. Care and Cultivation Examples of Shrub Like Begonias
Classified as Shrub-Like, these begonias are long flowering, are better suited to growing in gardens, and as the name suggests have a shrub or bushy growth habit. Care and Cultivation Examples of Shrub Like Begonias
Hosta ‘Golden Tiara’ is a variegated sport of Hosta nakaiana, strong growing and with foliage that shows of mid green centres with leaf margins of the yellow/lime shades. This is one of the easy care Hosta varieties that looks great…
This is one of the older varieties of Shasta Daisies and was formerly known as Chrysanthemum maximum ‘Esther Reed’. However it is no longer a Chrysanthemum but it is still a wonderful plant. Still sought after today as it is…
Hydrangea macrophylla comes from East Asia especially the island of Honshu in Japan, with large rounded flowers these are also where the ‘Lacecap’ varieties originate. Commonly called the ‘Big Leaf’ Hydrangea, this is a deciduous shrub that will reach around…
Colocasia are one of a number of tropical garden plants commonly called ‘Elephant Ears’. It is Colocasia esculenta that is most commonly grown edible root known as Taro. However this group of plants are also grown for the ornamental foliage.…
The Pin Cushion Flower Scabiosa plants and species (pincushion flower) are an evergreen perennial plant that grow well in full sun to part shade. Excellent in the cottage garden or when used as a border plant along informal paths. Ome…
Zingiber or ‘Gingers’ are a genus contains the gingers of commerce, those used for culinary purposes (Zingiber officinale) and medicinal uses. However many of the species are also of ornamental use. All are tropical to sub tropical plants by nature.…
Water Lilies (Nymphaea) are the most popular aquatic plant for ornamental ponds. They require a little care when planting but are hardy and beautiful once they are established. The leaves float on the surface of the water and the spectacular…
One of the easiest plants to grow from seed, and with spectacular flowers are the Sunflowers. They are native to North America they grow well over a wide area. However it is the cultivars that are widely grown in gardens…
Bird of Paradise or Crane Flower One of the most stunning and attractive flowering plants, Strelitzia reginae or ‘Bird of Paradise’ Plant is also a popular easy care garden plant as well as a cut flower. Growing well in full…
The first time we saw Sonchus acaulis it occurred to us that this was the most ornamental thistle we had ever seen. Of course its really another wonderful plant from Tenerife, where it is known as cerrajón de monte, and…
Senecio Cineraria or ‘Dusty Miller’ is a mound forming perennial plant and regarded as one of the best silver foliage plants. The foliage of Senecio is so attractive that many gardeners actually remove the flowers as they appear so as…
If you are looking for an easy care perennial for a sunny position then Santolina chamaecyparissus is one to consider. Attractive gray foliage and yellow flowers over a long period make it a must for the dry perennial border. Santolina…
Sanguinaria canadensis or ‘Bloodroot Plant’ are a woodland plant with attractive flowers and foliage during early spring. Sanguinaria canadensis is found in woodland areas from North Dakota right through to Florida. Given the name ‘Bloodroot’ as when cut the roots…
Salvias are a plant that have a lot to offer the gardener, with both ornamental and culinary species for sale, these are one of the most widely grown perennial plants of all. They have great flowers, attract hummingbirds to the…
The big surprise of all Salvias is the winter hardy Salvia madrensis, it survives where others fear to go. Excellent Fall color in the cottage garden when other plants are fading out. An attractive yellow flowering species, Salvia madrensis puts…
Rudbeckia are a wonderful perennial, easy to care for, drought tolerant once established and adding a colourful display to the garden. Often referred to a ‘Black eyed Susans’ or ‘cone flowers’ their are a number of varieties well suited to…
Also known as Velvet Groundsel and Californian Geranium, Roldana petastites (syn. Senecio petasites) is a wonderful foliage plant, large velvety green leaves that hold well through the year unless they are hit by frosts. Free flowering with large golden yellow…
Primrose plants (primulas) and flowers are seen as a quintessential English flower however primroses and the wonderful flowers are also popular in the USA. With growers such as the world famous Barnhaven Primroses (based in France) able to supply seeds…
You can grow poppy flowers just about anywhere, but only if you choose the right variety for the right location. And then you need to understand the different requirements for each type. The plants that we call poppies, members of…
When gardeners talk about Solomon’ seal they may be referring to a number of plants, commonly Polygonatum odoratum or Polygonatum x hybridum. Wonderful shade loving plants, easy care and readily available for sale online. Polygonatum odoratum is the fragrant Solomon’s…
Phlox paniculata and phlox subulata (creeping phlox) are both used as ground cover plants. However there is a little more to Phlox plants than these two species and the cultivars. Phlox subulata ‘Tamaongalei’ is pictured right With over 50 species,…
Also known as the ‘Blue Phlox’, Phlox divaricata is a sprawling clump forming perennial that will reach around 1ft. Widely found in the Eastern States of the USA. Also commonly known as Woodland Phlox and Wild Blue Phlox. These are…
If you are looking for a sure fire, colorful spring plant, then pansies may be the plant for you. Wonderful plants when grown in a pot, the color range is incredible, the flowers large after a cold winter they are…
Masses of flowers in summer, fragrant and an excellent plant for the border or rock garden Nepeta are a group of easy care perennial plants. Most widely known as catmint, and cats do really love this plant, however this is…
Nepenthes include some of the more spectacular carnivorous plants. Also known as Pitcher Plants’, like many other carnivorous plants Nepenthes are a climbing plant trap small insects in a cavity. A varied group of plants with many varieties available for…
This is a Pitcher Plant from higher elevations in North Eastern India. In fact Nepenthes khasiana is India’s only native species and is now regarded as an endangered species in its natural environment. The dark red to purple markings around…
From the Philippines where it occurs at higher elevations usually on mossy forest floors. One of more easily grown of the Pitcher Plants Nepenthes alata feeds itself by attracting insects into the pitcher where they ‘drown’ and are dissolved, the…
As a low growing creeping ground cover, Mazus reptens has a lot to offer. It is fast growing, has a dense habit and attractive flowers as well. so lets look a little more closely at this interesting plant. With lance…
Verbascum is also known as Mullein. They make an interesting architectural showpiece in the garden with their upright stems and lovely flowers. A variety of species are grown in the garden, some as perennials and some as annuals. The most…