Category Orchids

Orchid Species

Orchid Species and Varieties

Orchids are one of the most popular flowering plants in the world. With orchid species suitable for climates ranging from Tropical to the cooler growing species such as Masdevallias you will soon be in love with this genus. In our…

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Rhynchostylis Orchids

With 6 species from Asia to India, Rhynchostylis Orchids or ‘ Foxtail Orchids’ are a popular and with many species spectacular large growing fragrant tropical orchid. Rhynchostylis gigantea (pictured right) and Rhynchostylis retusa being two of the most sought after…

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Acineta Orchids

Pronounced – ah-si-NEE-ta A tropical species, Acineta Orchids are originally from South America and are most species are canopy growers (epiphytic) in the rain forests at high altitudes, so we have the twin requirements of humidity and cool nights. In…

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Sarcochilus Orchids

From the warmer areas of Australia and New Guinea Sarcochilus orchids are an epiphytic orchid that seem to adapt to cooler, however not very cold climates. The species themselves are attractive, however as with many orchids it is the hybrids…

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Aerangis Orchids

An epiphytic species, Aerangis Orchids are a popular orchid with collectors and A.Citrata, which is the lemon scented species, a wonderful perfume and A. luteo-alba which is pictures right, are perhaps two of the most widely grown of over 60…

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Selenipedium Orchids

Selenipedium Orchids are a ‘slipper orchid’ from Brazil. Species differ in flower coloring. S. aequinoctile has yellow flowers with an orange to red lip around the slipper. This is the species most readily available, however still very rare and difficult…

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