Category Fruit Trees

Blackberry Plants

With dozens of varieties available for sale, growing Blackberries in the home garden is easy. Selecting the right variety will depend on you climate and needs.Blackberry varieties include both thornless and thorny varieties, also upright, semi upright and trailing varieties…

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Hazelnut Trees

Hazelnut trees are grown for the nuts which are roasted, eaten fresh as well as used to make spreads. So is a Hazelnut a Filbert… yes they are the same. And yes they make a nice ornamental as well. Eating…

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Blueberry Plants

Growing Blueberry Plants

Blueberry Varieties – Ripening Time Generally Blueberry Plants are classed according to ripening or picking time. They are also classed in terms of ‘Chill Factor’. This is the number of hours required below 45 F to set fruit. Other factors…

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Quince Trees

Quince Tree

(Cydonia oblonga) Quince trees are not only a great fruit tree they can also make an excellent small tree for the home garden. Quince trees produce useful fruit but with good foliage they also make great specimen trees. So for…

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Citrus Trees

Citrus Trees

Citrus Trees many of which are for sale online are amongst the most popular of all fruit trees for the home garden. Generally easy to grow and with many varieties now available of dwarf rootstock they are suited to growing…

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Dragon Fruit

Yellow Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit or Pitaya is an attractive and tasty tropical fruit grown for the sweet tasting red or white fruit. Originally from South America Hylocereus (sweet pitayas or red pitayas) and Stenocereus fruit (sour pitayas or yellow pitayas) or Dragon…

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Kumqaut Trees

Kumquat trees are native to China and are a small slow-growing, compact, evergreen trees eventually reaching about 10′. Suited to growing in containers Originally classified as a citrus tree, and they are related, however they were given their own genus…

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From the cooler climates of Europe blackcurrants are grown both as a small bush and in rows as hedges. Valued for high vitamin C content they are usually used for jams, juices and preserves. The leaves of some varieties are…

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Jabotica is a slow growing tropical fruit tree originally from Brazil and surrounding areas. A fairly small compact tree, if you live in a warm climate then you could grow them in a back yard. Also known as the Brazilian…

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Guava Trees

Guava Trees are a tropical fruit tree well suited to the home garden. Producing a sweet, fragrant fruit ranging in size from a large walnut to that of a small orange. And here we are talking about the tropical Guava,…

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Diospyros kaki

Diospyros kaki is commonly called the Persimmon Tree , a very attractive deciduous fruiting tree (to 30ft) with beautiful fall foliage. Used both as an ornamental tree as well as for producing fruit Diospyros kaki will grow to form a…

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Berry Fruit Plants

Berry Fruit plants including Blackberry Plants, (thornless blackberries) Strawberries, BlueBerry Plants, Raspberry plants and Elderberry Plants are popular in both the home garden and with commercial growers. Most berry fruit plants are not difficult to grow and given some protection…

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Walnut Trees

Walnuts have been in cultivation for over nearly 2000 years and recorded evidence of them being eaten goes back to over 6000 years ago. The botanical name for the common walnut is Juglans regia, and they were originally grown for…

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Home grown Raspberries are one of the delights of summer. They are an easy care plant, if you can keep the birds and the children from getting to them first. Suitable for commercial crops as well as for the home…

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Pomegranate Trees

Easy to grow Pomegranate trees are perhaps best described as shrubby and hardy. They require little water once established and will need to be pruned if you wish them grow into a small tree rather than a shrub. Grown for…

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Plum Trees

Plum trees are one of the easiest stone fruit trees to grow, versatile and coming in a huge number of varieties you can choose white, yellow or red flesh as well as plum trees that suited to eating, drying or…

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Persimmon Trees

Persimmon Trees (Diospyros kaki an, Diospyros digyna or ‘Black Persimmon’) are a deciduous tree that will reach around 20ft (7m) and are grown both for the fruit as well as being an interesting ornamental tree with good color in fall.…

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Pecan Trees

Pecan Nut Trees varieties for sale include Dwarf Pecan Trees the popular Northern type trees, Stuart and the Missouri Hardy Pecan. However a lot more than these are available including dwarf varieties from growers and online suppliers Pecan Tree Varieties…

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Pear Trees

Fruiting Pear Trees Pear trees will mostly pollinate with any other pear that flowers at the same time. A slow growing tree they are available on a number of rootstocks including dwarfing types. The Bartlett pear is probably the most…

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Peach Trees

Peach trees will grow in zones 4-8 depending on variety and micro climate. The very popular peach, Elbert a for example will grow from zones 5-9. However the best zones are 6 and 7. Peaches are so good to eat…

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Pawpaw Trees

Pawpaw Trees ( Paw Paw ) – Asimina triloba The Pawpaw ( Paw paw ) tree look like a tropical tree but are actually from temperate climates and are available for sale to grow from USDA Zone 9 to zone…

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Orange Trees

Available for sale as full sized trees or as dwarf orange trees these are one of the most popular citrus trees grown around the world. Used both for fruit and juice Orange trees require a warm climate and are widely…

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Olive Trees

Olive trees are a versatile tree being grown for olives (fruit) olive oil production as well as for ornamental purposes. The botanical name is Olea Europaea and they are a small growing evergreen tree originally from northern Africa and Asia…

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Mulberry Trees

An excellent fast growing shade tree Mulberry trees are grown mainly for the fresh fruit. Although they are a large growing tree, dwarf varieties (Geraldi Dwarf) are now available that make them much more suitable for the home garden. The…

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