Category Cactus and Succulents


Mammillaria is a large and varied genus within the cactus family, over 250 species and one of the most widely grown cactus of all. The popularity is due to the ease of care and propagation of most species. They are…

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Lithops are commonly called living stones, and they really do look like small stones, are a fascinating plant suited for growing in pots indoors. These are a plant that are increasingly popular and with more varieties available for sale each…

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With over 100 species in the genus, Kalanchoe are a thick leafed succulent that are grown both for the flowers and the foliage. Well known varieties such as Kalanchoe ‘Flapjacks’, pictured below is one of the most widely grown. However…

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Grown for the brilliant flowers Epiphyllum are group of a epiphytic cacti species, commonly called Epicactus or simply ‘Epis’ and sometimes ‘Orchid Cactus’. Most famous for the ‘Queen of the Night’ or ‘Night Blooming Cerus’ (Epiphyllum oxypetalum, although many varieties…

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Echeverias are a large group of succulents found over a wide area from Mexico and Central America through to northern parts of South America. It is Mexico that gives us a huge range, over 150 species and mainly from higher…

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When we think of Crassula varieties we often think of the plants we commonly called Jade Plants, however there is much more to the genus than tis group. The plant that we commonly call the ‘Jade Tree’ or ‘Money Tree’…

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Aporophyllum hybrids or ‘Rat Tail Cactus’ (aporocactus flagelliformis) prefer a warm climate and grow well in hanging baskets. Aporocactus (Aporophyllum hybrids) and Disocactus species have a trailing habit with long ‘rat tail’ like stems and large flowers on the stems…

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Aloinopsis schooneesii

Aloinopsis plants and species are originally from South Africa and are a low growing succulent that produce wonderful ‘daisy’ like flowers in winter. Aloinopsis schooneesii is perhaps one of the most sought after species. Aloinopsis Care and Growing Conditions Species…

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Aloe are a popular garden plant USA , many species and lots of cultivars, in fact a list of species and varieties will astound you. Some of the plants in this genus are more garden worthy than others. with a…

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Agave are a diverse group of plants, they vary in foliage form, size and growing requirements, many make great container plants. Used widely for the bold architectural foliage the larger growing varieties are difficult to top in this respect. All…

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Agave Americana

The ‘Century Plant’ Agave Americana or ‘Century Plant’ is originally from Mexico. With its large rosette of thick brightly colored leaves Agave Americana is a very popular landscaping plant. A number of varieties are available with different growth habits, the…

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Nearly every gardener has heard of Euphorbias and many have grown them. Understanding what a diverse and fascinating group of plants is another issue. From the well known commercial garden plants such as Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’ and Euphorbia milii commonly…

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Euphorbia tirucalli

Euphorbia tirucalli or ‘Firestick plant’ is a leafless succulent that forma a small shrub over time. Species and cultivars include: Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Rosea’ (Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Firesticks’) which is a sun loving drought tolerant euphorbia well suited to growing in rock…

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Aeonium arboreum 'Velour'

Aeonium sometimes called the ‘Tree Houseleek’ are originally from the Canary Islands and nearby areas. A succulent plant that is easy care and does well in pots and can make a great feature plant. This group of succulents include :…

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Agave attenuata

Seen by many as one of the most attractive of all of the Agaves, Agave attenuata does indeed have great shape and form. Characteristics that make it a popular plant for growing in containers and pots. A perennial succulent with large rosettes…

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