Category Bulbs

Fritillaria pinardii

Fritillaria pinardii is variable species originally from Turkey and nearby countries. Hanging bells maroon with yellow lips is a common form. Yellow bells with maroon or brown tints on the petals in another. This is a low growing species and…

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Fritillaria persica

Fritillaria persica is a much sought after species. Originally from Southern Turkey through to Iran. With such a wide spread this is a species varies in color and form a great deal. Fritillaria persica ‘Ivory Bells’ is a near white…

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Fritillaria meleagris alba

With a similar growth habit to the species, Fritillaria meleagris alba (white snakes head fritillary) is a very attractive, but rarely offered white flowering form of F. meleagris. Fritillaria meleagris alba have simiar habits to Fritillaria meleagris. A medium growing…

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Fritillaria meleagris

Fritillaria meleagris

With its checkered flowers, Fritillaria meleagris is commonly called the ‘Snakes Head Fritillary’. It is a native of many countries in Europe including, France, Romania and Croatia. This is a medium growing species and with its distinctive checkered flower head…

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Fritillaria liliacea

Fritillaria liliacea (fragrant fritillary) another native from the coastal grasslands of California. Said to be fragrant, and we think it is slightly on a warn sunny day, Fritillaria liliacea is a small growing species with dainty nodding star shaped open…

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Fritillaria grayana

Fritillaria grayana is also known as Gray’s fritillary. Originally from California also known as Fritillaria roderickii. Fritillaria grayana Care Again good drainage is the key to growing Fritillaria grayana , so we are looking for that combination of humus rich…

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Fritillaria ehrhartii

Originally from Aegean Islands of Greece, Fritillaria ehrhartii puts on a good show of purple hanging flowers during spring. The flowers are often yellow tipped however this is a variable species and the yellow tips on ours are not prominent.…

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Fritillaria eastwoodiae

Fritillaria eastwoodiae isn commonly known as the Butte County Fritillary or Eastwood’s Fritillary This species is native to California where it grows in forested areas, it is rare in cultivation and can be variable in form. Best described as having…

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Fritillaria Conica

With its attractive citron yellow flowers Fritillaria Conica are originally from the Peloponnese, conical nodding flowers with a tinge of green. It is a rather low growing species to 4 inches (10cm) , so in the garden plant it near…

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Fritillaria biflora

Fritillaria biflora another native fritillaria from California referred to as the (Chocolate Lily). Flower color varies from a chocolate red to forms with white to pale green markings as well. It is thought that the mottled forms may be closer…

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Fritillaria affinis

Fritillaria affinis is a very interesting and variable fritillary sometimes called checker lily or chocolate lily. Wide spread along the pacific coast Fritillaria affinis varies from green with purple flecks through to purple and bronze. Generally growing to 18-24″ and…

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Fritillaria acmopetala

Easy to grow and with attractive flowers Fritillaria acmopetala that produces large bell shaped flowers in spring. Found from Southern Turkey through to Lebanon and Cypress, this is a varied species with a number of sub species including F. acmopetala…

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Narcissus bulbocodium

The Hoop Petticoat Daffodil The small growing Hoop Petticoat Daffodils (Narcissus bulbocodium) may not have the largest flowers of the Daffodils, they do however have some of the most elegant. Small petals (perianth) and a large trumpet (corona) are the…

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Cryptostephanus vansoni

Related to clivias, Cryptostephanus vansonii is one of only three species in the genus. It goes largely unheralded in mainstream horticultural circles, although it is not really that difficult to grow, and has attractive flowers. Although they are related Crytostephanus…

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Garden Bulbs

Where to buy Garden Bulbs from online catalogs. You will find buying mail order garden bulbs from specialist online nurseries gives you access to greater variety. Bulbs are sold during dormancy and are easy to ship. In our A- Z…

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Calla Lilies

Calla Lily season is in spring and they will flower for over a month outdoors. They are regarded The Calla Lily is an easy care bulb or rhizome that produces attractive flowers in spring to summer. They can be grown…

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Asarum are a woodland plant commonly called ‘wild ginger’ they spread by underground rhizomes. Low growing, they are used as a groundcover, the large leaves being most attractive. Asarum foliage (see picture right) is varied from plain greens to variegated…

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Asarum maximum

Rare and unusual, Asarum maximum is perhaps best known for Asarum maximum ‘Ling Ling’ (pictured right) is the Panda Faced asarum. With undoubtedly some of the most spectacular flowers of all of the asarums are those of Asarum maximum. Large…

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Asarum takaoi

A stunning little ground cover plant, Asarum takaoi is an evergreen perennial with leaves that remind us of cyclamen, ( C. cilicium in particular) except it lasts all year. Widely found in the wild in the Japanese Islands, this is…

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Asarum canadense

Although it is widely found across the United States Asarum canadense is often referred to as the Canadian Wild Ginger amongst other names. It is a perennial but is not related to the ginger family. Although regarded as edible in…

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Iris are available for sale in many varieties, a few similarities exist between the types, however specialist growers often concentrate on one or two types. Iris flowers are distinguished by the petals and the falls. A simple explanation is that,…

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Clivia Miniata

Clivia miniata

Over recent years the yellow flowering Clivia miniata has become very popular, a change from the traditional orange. However you can find a lot more in terms of variety from specialist clivia breeders including multi colored flowers and different flower…

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