Category Bulbs

Bessera elegans

One of the more dainty and exotic bulbs, Bessera elegans is from South America, with red to pink flowers and very attractive. Rarely offered for sale this is a beautiful plant when in flower, from late summer to fall. Reaching…

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Arisaema amurense

Arisaema amurense is originally from Asia, China, and Korea and appears in a number of forms. Sometimes called the ‘Chinese Cobra Lily’, this is a species with a number of forms including a green form. Includes ssp. angustatum. Varied, the…

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Arisaema candidissimum

Arisaema candidissimum

One of the most attractive species, Arisaema candidissimum is loved for the very pretty pink and white striped flower as well as the attractive large leathery foliage . The large flower emerges at the same time as the first leaf. The flowers…

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Arisaema ringens

Another fascinating species is Arisaema ringens, also known as the Japanese cobra lily. However they are a little more widely spread than this, with some coming form Korea and China as well. A few different forms of this bulbous plant…

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Arisaema sikokianum

Arisaema sikokianum

Japanese Cobra Lily If you are looking for bold dramatic flowers then Arisaema sikokianum will be the one for you. One of the many interesting Arisaema species, this particular plant is much sought after for its dramatic hooded flower. It…

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Asiatic Lilies

Asiatic Lilies are one of the most popular of all lilies. We give a guide to bulb care, pictures, growing asiatic lilies and pests. Available in a huge range of flower colors including white through to orange and red, these…

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Arisaema tortuosum

A tall growing species with a fascinating long whip like spadix, Arisaema tortuosum is sought after for its size as well as its flower and foliage. The long long spadix is a feature. The spathe is green often tinged with…

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Arisaema fargesii

Arisaema fargesii

With a lovely purple to brown and white curving spade Arisaema fargesii is another easy to grow species named after the Frenchman (missionary and botanist) Père Paul Guillaume Farges. Originally from Southern China and Flowering in late spring to early…

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Arisaema are a genus of woodland plants grown both for the unique flowers as well as interesting foliage. Native to areas of Asia, North America and Africa they are also referred to as ‘cobra lilies’ or ‘Jack in the pulpits’.…

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Flowering Bulbs

Flowering Bulbs

Not only a sign of spring flowering bulbs can provide color in the garden right through to fall. It’s all a matter of choosing the right bulbs to grow for each season. Planted en mass, grown in containers, naturalised into…

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Anemones are often lumped together in gardening articles which is a shame as this diverse group of flowering plants and bulbs deserves more recognition. They range from those that are clump forming perennials which form a mass of fibrous roots…

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If you are looking for exotic aroids them Amorphophallus could be the bulbs for you. Ranging from fairly common and easy to grow varieties to the weird and wonderful this group of tropical to sub tropical plants are best known…

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Alstroemeria flowers and plants, hybrids and species are readily available for sale both online and in garden centers. Alstroemeria are regarded as being hardy to zone 8 and come in a wide range of colors from white to red, they…

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Ornamental Allium bulbs are a part of the diverse genus with include both flowering types for the garden and the well known edible species, both types are available for sale online. Although they sometime referred to as ‘ornamental onions’ it…

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Albuca nelsonii

Rarely seen growing in gardens, yet worthy of more attention, Albuca nelsonii is one of the larger Albuca species and is native to Natal in South Africa. It is the tall flower spikes that make this such an interesting plant,…

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Although Agapanthus have been grown for many years especially in the warmer zones, they have fallen out of favor recently as they have tended to become a little, ‘to easy to grow’. The problem is that many of the older…

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Pacific Coast Iris

A wonderful small Iris for the dry garden are the ‘Pacific Coast Iris’. These are mainly Iris douglasiana hybrids, an easy care iris grown widely across the United States. However a number of other species are also include in the…

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Louisiana Iris

Louisiana Iris are often thought of as a water iris, and although in the natural environment they do grow in damp areas, they are actually very versatile and do not need to grow in water. The Scientific name is Iris…

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Japanese Iris

Iris ensata Japanese iris (water iris) are a large flowered ‘ iris that generally have been bred from the species ‘Iris ensata’. In Japan three strains are cultivated, Edo, Higo and Ise. In the US it is the Higo and…

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Dutch Iris

Dutch iris are a true bulb, generally though of as blue with strong yellow and white makings on the fall, although other colors are also available for sale. These easy care, low maintenance bulbs actually come in white, white and…

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Bearded Iris

Perhaps the most widely grown of all Iris are the Bearded Iris, you can find many cultivars for sale including tall, medium and dwarf varieties. We also have species, although it is the cultivars offered by specialist Nurseries that are…

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Fritillaria pyrenaica

Fritillaria pyrenaica is another species that varies in color and form a great deal. From Spain and Western France Fritillaria pyrenaica will reach 18″ once bulbs are mature. Fritillaria pyrenaica has a maroon outer petals with yellow inners. Pretty bell…

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Fritillaria pontica

Fritillaria pontica is originally from Greece, Turkey, Albania and nearby countries. These are a bulb that do well in a partly sunny position in the garden. Try morning sun. Fritillaria pontica are a medium growing species that prefer a well…

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