Category Bulbs

Sandersonia aurantiaca

Fall is a great time to plant Sandersonia aurantiaca which is a wonderful climbing plant with dainty golden bell shaped flowers in summer. Also known as the Chinese Lily Lantern (although it is from South Africa), Christmas Bells (yet it…

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If you are looking for a long flowering plant for a container, then Rhodohypoxis could well be the one. From spring through to summer, lots of bright flowers and good green foliage. It is a plant that is dormant in…

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If you are looking for easy to grow spring flowering bulbs then Ranunculus spring to mind. Colorful, easy going and low care they bring a riot of color to the spring garden. Although they are not regarded as fussy, they…

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Ornithogalum dubium

With a common name of ‘Sun Star’, Ornithogalum dubium with its brilliant orange flowers certainly lives up to its name. Also known as the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ flower color does vary from the orange pictured right, to yellow. Occasional white…

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Ornithogalum thyrsoides

The Star of Bethlehem Flower Grown widely for cut flowers, Ornithogalum thyrsoides, with its tall flower spikes and long lasting flower has a few common names. Best known as ‘The Star of Bethlehem’ and also as ‘The Chincherinchee’ wonderful white…

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Another wonderful easy care bulb that heralds the end of winter are the Leucojums or ‘Snowflakes’. They grow well in such a range of conditions, from humus rich deep soils to poor sandy soils that they truely are a ‘no…

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White Hyacinth Flower

Hyacinths are a spring flowering bulb grown for both the flowers and the fragrance as well as they signal that spring had arrived. Like many spring flowering bulbs are widely grown for cut flowers as well as in the garden…

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Hippeastrum papilio

Perhaps the most cold tolerant of all of the Hippeastrums, H.papilio with its fascinating striped flowers is one of the most sought after species. Hippeastrum papilio is commonly called the ‘Butterfly Hippeastrum’ or Butterfly Amaryllis and it is one of…

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Galtonia candicans

With tall flower spikes in summer and commonly called the ‘Summer Hyacinth’ Galtonia candicans is originally from South Africa. A number of garden worthy varieties are available and they do differ in flower and growing habit. Although Galtonia candicans is…

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If you are looking for a reliable plant to relieve the winter blues, then Galanthus may the answer. One of the earliest of all of the bulbs to flower, they are commonly known as ‘snowdrops’. They will in fact push…

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Fritillaria meleagris 'Saturnus'

With over 200 different species and a number of sub species Fritillaria are a bulb found in Asia, Europe as well as North America especially in California. These fascinating plants come in many forms and colors, are an enchanting and…

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