Aloe are a popular garden plant USA , many species and lots of cultivars, in fact a list of species and varieties will astound you. Some of the plants in this genus are more garden worthy than others. with a tendency to concentrate on flowers, many hybridisers have failed to promote those species with interesting foliage.
So to all of you Aloe lovers, as the French may say ‘Aloe Aloe’, there is more to these plants than meets the eye. Fascinating species such as Aloe polyphylla are neglected, this is the spiral aloe, rows of neat foliage radiating from the centre. Not much of a flower, but great foliage.
Aloe plants are very popular in the following states Arizona, South Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, California, Kansas, Oregon, Colorado. They can also be grown as indoor plants, especially the smaller growing varieties that do better in low light.

Aloes come in very different sizes, some are called Tree Aloes, and they can reach 40 ft in height, great for a botanical garden, but not that great for a small home. What are called ‘Mountain Aloes are smaller to around 15 ft.
However it is the smaller growing types that we think are the best for the average garden.
And of course we have the popular ‘Aloe Vera’ which is known for the jelly from its leaves have been used medicinally as well as an ingredient for cosmetics. In the right conditions some aloes have fantastic flowers. Well worth a try with 100s of species available.
Aloe grows well in many states of the USA, aloes prefer full sun and a well drained soil, most aloes do not tolerate frost, so a pot on a sunny porch or verandah can be an ideal position.
Aloes do not require a lot of water except in the main growing period when soil should be kept moist.
- Well drained soil
- Sunny position
- Do not water except in a very dry spring to summer
Prune spent flower stalks and remove dead foliage
Some of the best Aloe varieties include :
- Aloe polyphylla – The spiral aloe
- Aloe vera – The medicinal aloe
- Aloe plicatis –
- Aloe polyphylla – The spiral aloe
- Aloe barberae – A sculptural tree alo that make a good focal point in larger gardens. Pink flowers in an aloe that can get to 45ft tall.
Easy from offsets, stem cuttings from some varieties or from seed sown into a cold-frame in Fall.
Aloe plants are available for sale from the following nurseries
SILVERTHORN RANCH NURSERY – phone: 760-728-9051
1826 S. Alturas St. Fallbrook California 92028
Wholesale growers and online suppliers of Agaves, Cactus, Succulents, Yuccas, Euphorbias, Palms, Golden Barrel cactus, With Cites Permits for export. Assorted sizes 4″ up to 30 gallon box plants
BIG DIPPER FARM – Phone 360.886.8133
26130 SE Green Valley Rd Black Diamond, WA 98010
Over 2,000 rare varieties. Large selections of Ferns, Herbs, Native plants, Peonies, Hostas, exotic and hard-to-find shade Perennials, Hellebore, Lavenders and many more.
A grand collection of amazing container plants. many Sizes. Wholesale and Mail Order. Order Online.
Includes: Aloe vera, aloe vacillans, aloe speciosa, aloe somaliensis, aloe broomii, aloe comosa, aloe dichotoma, aloe gariepensis.