Agave are a diverse group of plants, they vary in foliage form, size and growing requirements, many make great container plants. Used widely for the bold architectural foliage the larger growing varieties are difficult to top in this respect.
All agaves are monocarpic, they flower once and then die. These words might make you a little doubtful about the usefulness of such a plant. However they take a long time to flower, some more than 10 years and they do put out offsets or pups. So with very little maintenance you can have an ongoing show of brilliant foliage.
All are tough and drought tolerant and Agave Attenuata is used widely in landscaping. Other popular agaves include: Agave lechuguilla, Agave parryi and Agave victoriae reginae.
Landscaping uses Care and Growing Conditions
Grown in a container as a single specimen many species are most attractive planst. Also useful for planting as a low growing border.
Try underplanting larger agave plants with a succulent such as Senecio mandraliscae (Blue Chalk sticks) or one of the other Senecio species
One of this little plants great attributes is its ability to grow in part shade, this makes it a little more adaptable of patios and balconies as well as in the garden.
Although after flowering the parent plant will die, most species will have set pups or offsets that will take over.
Agave Care
Agave plants are easy to grow in well drained soils in sunny positions although some species do a little better in part shade.
They do require a well drained soil and in all but the driest conditions require little to no water.
Frost and extreme cold can be overcome by growing in pots or containers and overwintering indoors or similar sheltered position.
- Full sun to part shade
- Well drained growing medium
- Only water sparingly, let the growing medium dry out between watering.
- Agave growing Zones
- Agave growing zones will differ depending on species, however you should be able to find a species of agave suitable from zone 7.
In the colder USDA zones maybe try Agave parryi species such as Agave parryi ‘huachuensis’ and Agave parryi ‘truncata’. Through to Zones 10 and 11, try Agave attenuata and Agave hariana
No pruning is required.
Agave Varieties
Here we will look at a few of the cultivars and species that work well in containers.
- Agave attenuata
- Agave americana
- Agave ‘Blue Glow’ is a A.attenuata x A.ocahui hybrid, wide leaves to 2 ft green blue with red margins.
- Agave ‘Blue Flame ‘ this one is a A.attenuata x A.shawii hybrid, a very attractive form.
- Agave filifera small growing with mid green foliage, a small spine on the tip of each leaf and fuzzy filaments.
- Agave geminifolia
- Agave montana Excellent for colder zones, the foliage is more tightly held than most.
- Agave parryi
- Agave potatorum – Wonderful blue gray foliage with red margins. will reach around 2ft.
- Agave salmiana ferox – Very open mid green foliage almost transluscent.
- Agave victoriae-reginae – Small growing and very popular as a container plant.
- Agave franzosinii – The Grey Ghost.
- Propagation is easy by removing the pups that form at the side of the plant. Also easy by seed.
Agave plants are available for sale from the following nurseries
SILVERTHORN RANCH NURSERY – phone: 760-728-9051
1826 S. Alturas St. Fallbrook California 92028
Wholesale growers and online suppliers of Agaves, Cactus, Succulents, Yuccas, Euphorbias, Palms, Golden Barrel cactus, With Cites Permits for export. Assorted sizes 4″ up to 30 gallon box plants
A grand collection of amazing container plants. many Sizes. Wholesale and Mail Order. Order Online. Includes: Agave lechuguilla, Agave paryi, Agave tequilana, Agave victoriae reginae
GARDINO NURSERY Rare & Unusual Plants
Tropical plant nursery that specialising in a wide variety of rare and unusual plants. Shipping is available to retail and wholesale customers nationwide. Our site also contains lots of useful information on a variety of tropical plants (over 500 varieties) and a gardening guide.