Iris are available for sale in many varieties, a few similarities exist between the types, however specialist growers often concentrate on one or two types.
Iris flowers are distinguished by the petals and the falls. A simple explanation is that, the “petals” are the almost upright parts of the flower, often a single color.
The “falls” or sepals are the downward drooping parts, often, but not always multi colored.
So our Iris flower, pictured right would have ‘white petals’ and ‘mauve and white’ falls.
And of course we have the “beards”, however not all iris flowers have these.
As for the name ‘Iris’, this is the ancient Greek word for Rainbow. Iris flowers are after all a colorful group.

Iris Bulbs and Rhizomes
Iris flowers grow from either true bulbs, or rhizomes, those sold either as rhizomes include the Bearded iris. iris flowers that grow from bulbs, include the Dutch iris. However, in terms of variety the Iris genus with well over 300 species, has a lot more to offer.
Generally offered for sale when dormant, the varieties that appear in catalogues each year is ever changing as these are a highly hybridized group of plants.
Different species require different conditions, so browse our growing notes before buying, or ask for a fact sheet from your chosen supplier.
When buying iris rhizomes or bulbs always look for firm clean plants. No sign of mould and certainly no soft parts that indicate rot and poor storage.
Iris Varieties
Garden and Landscaping Uses for Iris
With many varieties being easy to grow, iris have a number of uses in the garden. Grown in clumps in the border, or perhaps planted amongst roses, the taller types look great.
Lower growing types can be useful towards the front of the garden border, and the types that thrive in damp conditions are excellent for planting near ponds.
A few types also have great foliage which prolongs the season of interest. The smaller growing reticulata types can also be effective in pots where the delicate flowers can be best shown off.
It is easy to generalise about care, however different varieties require different conditions, so read up before you plant.
Iris are available for sale at the following nurseries
ROSS ROAD IRIS1504 Ross Road Weiser, ID 836721000+ varieties of bearded iris are grown in our gardens. We pre-sell quality rhizomes in limited quantities. Check out our website!www.rossroadiris.com
IRIS WAREHOUSE, Inc.Michiganemail – contact@iriswarehouse.comOnline, retail, wholesale iris, lilies and daylilies. Over 1100 varieties of iris and daylilies.www.iriswarehouse.com
CLASSY GROUNDCOVERS PO Box 2556 city: Blairsville GA 30514Dwarf Crested Iris, flowering ground covers, grasses, vines, ivy, … Free Shipping of over 150 varieties.www.classygroundcovers.com
ASIATICA – phone: 717 938-8677 fax: 717 938-0771 PO Box 270 Lewisberry PA 17339 No on- site salesRetail mail order nursery selling new and rare hardy and tender plants from catalog.www.asiaticanursery.com
PINE KNOT FARMS phone 434-252-0768681 Rockchurch Road, Clarksville Virginia 23927 USAMail order, retail and wholesale. Open on site on Fridays and Saturdays in spring and fall.www.pineknotfarms.com