With tall flower spikes in summer and commonly called the ‘Summer Hyacinth’ Galtonia candicans is originally from South Africa. A number of garden worthy varieties are available and they do differ in flower and growing habit.
Although Galtonia candicans is the most commonly grown variety, a number of other types are worth considering as well.
As long as you have a sunny well drained position, Galtonia are easy. Grow them for the tall flowers that look great as cut flowers.
Or grow them for the cool white of the waxy bell like flowers that contrast nicely against some of the brighter summer flowering perennials.
The taller growing species also add height tom the garden. In colder zones you will beed to dig them and store them over winter. Or perhaps grow them in containers and ‘put the container away over winter.
All Galtonia are easy care in the right conditions
In the garden plant bulbs in a group of 15 – 20 for a great display.
- Well drained humus rich soil
- Planting depth of around 2 inches
- Keep moist during dry summer spells.
- Protect from frosts and freezes, they will need to dug in the colder zones to survive winter
- In containers they can be over wintered in colder zones
- Best grown in USDA Zones 7 – 9 outdoors.
- Galtonia candicans.
This is a tall growing species that can reach around 6ft in good conditions, usually around 3 – 4 ft. Large white bell shaped flowers, with some fragrance. Strappy foliage. (pictured right) - Galtonia princeps (syn. G. viridiflora)
Flowers area creamy white and a green band. - Galtonia regalis.
Lower growing and than others.
Other Info
- Galtonia are a little prone to attach by snails and slugs so protect new growth by spreading ash or sawdust.
- They can be grown it pots.
- Can be grown in full sun to light shade.
- Flower spikes can be 1m.
- The flowers last well as a cut flower.
Galtonia Bulbs are available for sale from the following growers
DIGGING DOG NURSERY – phone (707) 937-1130
PO Box 471 Albion CA 95410
DEAN’S EVERGREENS – phone: 856-881-3496 fax: 856-863-1666
542-1 Elk Rd, Rte. 538 Monroeville, NJ 08343