Fritillaria pyrenaica is another species that varies in color and form a great deal. From Spain and Western France Fritillaria pyrenaica will reach 18″ once bulbs are mature.
Fritillaria pyrenaica has a maroon outer petals with yellow inners. Pretty bell shaped flowers in mid spring. Originally from the Pyrennes a well drained sunny potion is best. Ours are pot grown and are a hardy bulb. Some varieties have darker bells, some with traces of the ‘chequered look’.
As this is one of the earlier fritillaries to flower it is also suitable for naturalising into lawns. Simply lift a sod or two away from areas of foot traffic, plant the bulbs and replace the loosened sod.
Fritillaria pyrenaica Care
Easy in cultivation, like most species, Fritillaria pyrenaica requires a well drained soil and a sunny position.
Plant bulbs 6in deep and keep dry when dormant. This is a species that will ‘self sow’, the seed heads can be left to drop seeds naturally in, many areas.
This is a species that can be naturalised into grassed areas and even lawns.
From seed planted close to the surface or by division of existing clumps when dormant.