Originally from eastern Turkey Fritillaria alfredae ssp. glaucoviridis is is a taller growing species than many reaching around 25cm in height. Hanging blue green bells.
We think the flowers are graceful, the foliage is blue-green, the bell like flowers tend to vary a little in color, some more green, while others have more yellow in them.
This could be natural variation, or due to the soil and growing conditions.
Fritillaria alfredae ssp. glaucoviridis Care
A sunny well drained soil and this species requires a dry dormancy like other Frittilaria bulbs. Best grown in a woodland situation where it receives some shade.
- We grow this species in a container with a free draining soil mix.
- Every 3 – 4 years we divid bulbs and repot in a fresh soil mix, again well drained. Fertilizer used is a liquid seaweed fertilizer in early spring and again in late spring.
- Like many, this is a bulb that likes to be planted fairly deeply at around 10cm deep.
- In heavy soils some sharp sand or grit added to improve drainage may be required to ensure the required dry dormancy.
Propagation is by division of bulbs in early winter, or from the ‘rice grains’ that the bulb produces or from seed.