Not only a sign of spring flowering bulbs can provide color in the garden right through to fall. It’s all a matter of choosing the right bulbs to grow for each season.
Planted en mass, grown in containers, naturalised into lawns or grown as single specimens in pots even the beginner gardener can has a great display.
A – Z List of Garden Bulbs
- Allium Bulbs
- Agapanthus (Blue White and Dwarf)
- Albuca nelsonii
- Allium (Ornamental Alliums)
- Alocasia (Elephants Ears)
- Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily)
- Amarcrinum (Amaryllis x Crinum)
- Amaryllis Belladonna
- Amorphophallus
- Anemone (Wood Anemone)
- Anomatheca
- Anthericum (St Bernards Lily)
- Arisaema
- Arum
- Asarum
- Asphodline
- Babiana (Baboon Flower)
- Begonia
- Bletilla (Chinese Ground Orchid)
- Boophone
- Brunsvigia
- Bulbinella
- Calochortus
- Cardiocrinum giganteum (Giant Himalayan Lily)
- Childanthus
- Chiondoxa
- Colocasia (Elephants Ears)
- Convallaria (Lily of the Valley)
- Crinum
- Crocosmia
- Crocus
- Cyclamen
- Curtonus
- Dahlia Tubers
- Daffodils
- Disporopsis
- Dracunculus Vulgaris
- Dodecatheon (Shooting Stars)
- Eremurus (Foxtail Lily)
- Eucomis (Pineapple Lily)
- Ferraria
- Freesia
- Fritillaria
- Galanthus (Snowdrops)
- Galtonia (summer hyacinth)
- Gladioli
- Gloriosa (Glory lily)
- Gloxinia
- Habenaria (Egret orchid or Bog Orchid)
- Hedychium (Ginger Lily)
- Hesperantha (Evening Flower)
- Hyacinth
- Hymenocallis (Spider Lily)
- Incarvillea (Garden Gloxinia)
- Iris
- Ixia
- Jonquils
- Leucojum (Snowflakes)
- Liatris (Blazing Star or Gay Feather)
- Lilium (Asiatic)
- Littonia
- Lycoris
- Mirabilis (Four o’clock flower)
- Muscari
- Nerine
- Ornithogalum
- Oxalis
- Pasithea
- Pleione (Rockery Orchid)
- Polianthes (Tuberosa)
- Pushkinia
- Ranunculus
- Rhodohypoxis
- Sandersonia
- Sauromatum
- Scadoxus multiflorus katharinae
- Schizostylis (Kaffir Lilies)
- Scilla
- Sparaxis (Harlequin Flower)
- Sprekelia (Jacobean Lily)
- Sternbergia (Winter Daffodil)
- Tacca (Bat Plant)
- Tigridia
- Trillium
- Triteleia
- Tropaeolum
- Tulbaghia
- Tulips
- Uvularia
- Zantedeschia
- Zephyranthes
Some bulbs are easier grow than others and certainly the more common daffodil and tulips are cheaper than the rare types. However the varieties available for sale Online are almost endless, buy in bulk for mass planting, or try that slightly more expensive ‘special bulb’ for a container. Growing bulbs is easy.
Choose early season spring Crocus through to fall flowering Dahlias, all are available, some for sun, others for shade.
Flowing bulbs are the mainstay of many garden designs. They can be grown in containers, in the garden or naturalised into the lawn. Some are suited for mass planting, others make great specimen plants. And if you choose carefully you can plant a garden with a ‘flowering bulb for all seasons’.
Naturally the first factor will be choosing bulbs that you would like to grow. However, if you wish to be practical then consider :
- Climate – Although you can grow bulbs out of the natural climate zone, it is easier to grow them in a climate they prefer. Bulbs that like a hot dry climate can be difficult in cooler areas.
- Soil – Some bulbs require very rich soil, other prefer depleted soil. Many bulbs require very good drainage, especially in winter, other like moisture.
- Sun or Shade – Bulbs such as daffodils and tulips do like sun, others are more suited to dappled shade or woodland settings.
- Season. – Take note of the flowering season if that is an important factor. Some varieties of Daffodils will flower earlier than others, this is true with many bulbs.
- Height – Lower growing types are best suited to the front of the border, taller types can be planted further back.
- Cost. – Always a factor is the price. It is cheaper to buy lots of bulbs in bulk, so 100 mixed daffodils or tulips will be cheaper than individual selections.