Heritage Roses or ‘old fashioned roses’ provide us with an historical link to gardens of the past. Sometimes called Heirloom Roses, they are popular not only for historical reasons but also for the brilliant roses that are available for sale from online suppliers.
Although heritage roses are sometimes described as ‘living antiques’ they also provide a genetic pool that is extremely important for the continued development of new rose varieties.
Many are well suited to planting in public areas where they can be appreciated.
An industry has grown around heritage roses, not only the production of plants, but also a garden tourism industry.
Best defined as roses that are of historical significance, or are no longer in commercial production, these roses are the foundation of the modern rose industry.
Where to see Heritage roses in the USA
Visits to gardens containing large numbers of heritage or old fashioned roses can be arranged for individuals or gardening groups.
We are lucky to have some outstanding collections of roses.
- San Jose Heritage Rose Garden has a good collection including many China and Tea Roses. www.heritageroses.us hyyp://www.heritageroses.us
- In Texas try the Vintage Rosery a wonderful nursery with 5 acres of display gardens. www.vintagerosery.com
- Heritage Rose Foundation Garden Schreveport Louisianna.
- Heritage Rose District of New York City.
- Dunn Rose Garden in the Birmingham Botanical gardens Alabama www.bbgardens.org
- Sahauro Historical Ranch Rose Garden Glendale Arizona www.glendaleaz.com/srpha/
- Quarry Hill – wild collected Asian plants including roses. www.quarryhillbg.org/
- Elizabeth Park, Hartford, CT www.elizabethpark.org
- Fuller Gardens Rose Gardens, North Hampton New Hampshire www.fullergardens.org
- Léonie Bell Rose Garden at Tufton Farm Virginia www.monticello.org
Heritage rose varieties
Heritage Roses all into six main classes.
And then we have the species roses such as