The perfect rose for smaller spaces, Miniature roses are simply a smaller or ‘mini’ version of normal roses. Perfect for hanging baskets, growing in containers or for those with limited space.
Miniature roses also have an appeal of their own. The delicate blooms are a real attraction. With blooms less than 1 inch across they include many smaller versions of hybrid tea roses.
Excellent for underplanting larger roses and great as a low border or hedge along a path.
In USDA Zones 4 – 11 most Miniature Roses can be grown outside. In colder zones they are best grown in containers and overwintered indoors.
When to buy
The best time to buy miniature roses is in winter when they are dormant. Mainly because the best varieties if these tiny blooming wonders are available by mail order and are delivered by post.
So this is an excellent time to start selecting your miniature rose bush for planting.
Look for specialist miniature rose growers. They generally have the best disease resistant varieties and can provide you with comprehensive growing notes.
These roses are just as long flowering as their larger relatives and just as easy to grow.
Planting Miniature Roses
Most miniature roses are grown on their own root systems, which makes them very hardy. They are planted in the same way as other roses, although more often they are grown in containers and hanging baskets.
Amend the soil if required before planting, dig in lots of well rotted compost, and make sure that the soil is well drained.
New rose bushes should be staked to prevent wind damage and maintain an upright growth habit.
Water in well with a liquid seaweed solution to help with strong root growth.
Different Care Requirements
As the root systems are smaller, miniature roses do require a little extra attention. Mainly in terms of watering from late spring through summer. They also require proportionally less fertiliser.
- Water regularly allowing the soil to partially dry between waterings.
- Mulch to retain moisture
- Use 1/4 the amount of fertiliser.
In brief, roses bushes like
- Lots of sun and good air circulation.
- A soil rich in humus, moist but well drained.
- Mulch around roses to retain moisture.
- To be watered in well when establishing, but remember, once established rose bushes are reasonably drought tolerant.
Where to Buy Miniature Roses
BURNS MINIATURE ROSES. – phone: 541-733-5871
Riddle Oregon
Mail Order disease resistant Miniature and Miniflora Roses.
NOR’EAST MINIATURE ROSES – phone: 800-426-6485 fax: 805-481-7025
PO Box 1510 city: Arroyo Grande state: CA 93421-1510
Miniature garden roses year round for the garden or containers. Specially hybridized with hybrid-tea form, vivid colors, and fragrance.